I am Ana and I am Breaking the Silence: One Woman's Journey to Triumph Over Domestic Violence


I am Ana and I am Breaking the Silence: One Woman's Journey to Triumph Over Domestic Violence

Precio de venta$20.00

After 20 years of protecting her family, Ana Williams is breaking her silence to tell her story so that she can inspire and help other women break free from the clutches of their abuser and begin a new life of happiness and meaning.I am more than my trauma.

I am more than my abuse.

I am more than my scars.

I am what a survivor looks like.

I'm ana;

I am a survivor of domestic violence.

Ana Williams, autora del bestseller internacional "Soy Ana y estoy rompiendo el silencio", ilumina un camino de fortaleza y coraje a través de sus experiencias personales. Su libro es una guía para personas que enfrentan desafíos similares, particularmente mujeres, hacia un futuro de empoderamiento y libertad.