meet ana williams

Breaking the Silence

coach profesional y orador motivacional

professional coach and motivational speaker

Inspiration and Motivation for Your Transformation

ama legacy

Our mission is to uplift and encourage victims of domestic violence by being a source of encouragement and knowledge for them to stand up for themselves and break the silence. We will work to build the mindset of victims everywhere to help secure their freedom and never look back.

You are powerful, strong, and capable enough to walk away from any type of abuse. If I did it, you can do it too.

Nuestra misión es elevar y alentar a las víctimas de violencia doméstica siendo una fuente de aliento y conocimiento para que se defiendan y rompan el silencio. Trabajaremos para desarrollar la mentalidad de las víctimas en todas partes para ayudar a asegurar su libertad y nunca mirar atrás. Eres lo suficientemente poderosa, fuerte y capaz para alejarte de cualquier tipo de abuso. Si yo lo hice, tú también puedes hacerlo.

This is a very powerful message I couldn’t put the book down... i am flad she is safe and came back to help others. we need part two! mothers, gift this book to your teenage daughters.

escucha el podcast

listen to the podcast

Join this podcast full of energy and motivation, where she shares her personal story of improvement and empowerment. Discover how Ana has broken the silence and found her voice, and how you can do it too. Through intimate conversations, inspiring reflections, and practical advice, Ana will motivate you to pursue your dreams, overcome obstacles, and transform your life. Let yourself be inspired with Ana on this journey of personal growth!

"No te rindas, sigue soñando, sigue trabajando y no dejes de esforzarte.

"Don't give up, keep dreaming, keep working, and don't stop pushing it."

"Personal development helps women believe they can escape and start all over. I want to help all women! I want to coach them so they can believe in themselves," Ana explains.

For Ana, success goes beyond personal dreams; her book demonstrates the importance of perseverance and an entrepreneurial attitude. Her purpose is to instill belief and confidence in these women.


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somos la revista

Estos días fueron de mucho amor y puro agradecimiento! ♥️😍

Gracias @somoslarevistausapor permitirme contar mi historia y llegar a tanta gente ♥️

Estos días conocí personas hermosas que me impulsan aún más a seguir adelante 🫶🏼